Carousel? Maybe.
Ferris wheel? Rarely that slow & gentle.
Rollercoaster? Tilt-a-whirl? Hammer? Yeah, that's more like it.
No, I haven't been going to amusement parks and carnivals. These are metaphors of a busy life, the essence of multitasking in a world where challenges come from every direction, from the purely physical to the mental, intellectual and spiritual compass points. Just when the climbs & plunges of the rollercoaster slow, just when it looks like I can step off the train, it morphs into a Tilt-a-whirl car spinning chaotically or a Hammer plastering me to the back of the cage or (if the carney has trickster hands on the controls) stopping up-side-down. Kinetic force reasserts and...
Yikes! Toboggan splash, then I'm back on a spiraling coaster.
God promises that we're never given anything beyond what we can endure. I amble wobbly-legged down the midway and into the funhouse. Check my short/tall/thin/fat/wavering reflections. I'm not sweating blood like Jesus did in the garden of Gethsemane . None of this is stress, then. It's only challenges, it's only annoyances, it's only a high rate of interest and event. I grin and amble back to the ride. It strains the limits of my inner gyroscope but God makes sure it's never tested to destruction.
And I haven't barfed.